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South Bay Homes: Sam Xavier the Interview


Unedited Auto Transcript:

2 well welcome to amazing South Bay homes
0:06 radio this is here coach Tim and I'm
0:09 here with a special guest today
0:11 sandy Xavier of amazing South Bay
0:15 homes.com and he's going to tell us
0:17 about the amazing South Bay and a little
0:21 bit about the real estate market in the
0:25 South Bay of Los Angeles Sam welcome to
0:27 the show oh thank you give the young
0:31 radio podcast yeah very cool
0:35 Sam tell me about first of all you know
0:38 we're here in the South Bay but there's
0:41 people, you may be from other parts of
0:44 the country listening today and they may
0:48 think of South Bay as something else can
0:51 you can you tell us about the South Bay
0:53 where is it well the South Bay
0:55 it could be known in maybe three or four
0:57 parts of the area continental United
0:59 States
0:59 there's a South Bay in Florida there's
1:02 South Bay here in Los Angeles there's a
1:05 South Bay in San Diego as well as
1:07 there's a South Bay in the Northern
1:09 California about what I specifically
1:12 focus on is the South Bay, Los Angeles
1:15 and that comprises about 13 different
1:18 cities and municipalities and we're
1:21 running along the coast here in Southern
1:23 California in Los Angeles County just
1:25 south of the Los Angeles International

1:27 Airport and it also encompasses the
1:30 Palos Verdes Peninsula as well as San
1:34 Pedro so my understanding is essentially
1:39 it's the South Bay South Santa Monica
1:42 Bay right yes that is correct him and so
1:46 on the far side of the bay is Santa
1:50 Monica and Malibu and in the middle is
1:52 LAX and then all the way to Peavy and
1:55 something that you told that when you
1:57 said Peavy went off in my mind and that
2:00 is one of my favorites of the South Bay
2:03 is is being up on the hill up there at
2:05 night and there's a thing called the
2:08 Queen's necklace right yeah yes they're
2:11 very beautiful ocean land you can
2:14 typically find that view
2:15 pal 32 states as well as parts of the
2:19 Hollywood Riviera which is actually a
2:21 you know the neighborhood in South Redondo
2:23 Beach so let's go back a little bit
2:27 before we get into deep into the South
2:30 Bay Area's what uh what got you into
2:35 real estate how how did you get into
2:38 this game
2:38 well I give that question there's a lot
2:41 and it's kind of an interesting journey
2:43 I was in computer IT sales for about 16
2:47 years I started out after college back
2:49 on the East Coast was in Washington DC
2:51 area and I moved to Southern California
2:54 in the summer of 1991 and I was
2:58 primarily working with a lot of
3:00 government aerospace educational
3:03 institutions on their requirement for as
3:06 well as data storage and after the
3:09 Millennium in the year 2000 2001 now
3:13 computers Borland became a commodity and
3:16 my services were gone pretty much no
3:18 longer needed so what we did was we put
3:22 together a plan of starting my own
3:25 business and I bought and sold several
3:28 homes in my lifetime and at that point I
3:31 got my license in the summer of 2004 and
3:35 I started practicing that fall and I've
3:38 been doing it ever since and I have a
3:40 partner on the Xavier and Xavier team
3:42 and they've been doing Savior and she's
3:44 my wife and she was a stay-at-home mom
3:47 and we have heard of a business back in
3:49 2007 and today we are a successful
3:53 husband-wife team with Remax estate
3:56 properties and we service the greater
3:58 South Bay area so you know what I
4:03 think of Realtor® and I think a lot of
4:05 people do this and there's a
4:09 stereotyping that's put out there on
4:12 television and for whatever reason
4:15 either earned or unearned but it is what
4:17 it is what makes you so successful in
4:21 your job in your niche well in our team
4:26 our biggest focus is our customers
4:29 clients that we serve whether it's a
4:31 seller a buyer on the landlord a tenant or
4:34 even a property investor we treat each
4:37 individual equally and what we do is we
4:40 sit down and we find out what are the
4:42 four five things that are the most
4:44 important to them when it comes to
4:46 buying or selling real estate and from
4:48 their retailer what the market has to
4:51 offer here in the South Bay of Los
4:52 Angeles to meet their requirements and
4:55 fulfill whether it's a relocation
4:57 whether it's a job transfer what it's
5:01 getting to a better school district you
5:03 know it's a lifestyle so we kind of look
5:05 at ourselves as you know we don't we'll
5:07 just sell how to change people's life
5:09 with helping them get on to the next
5:11 chapter in their particular situation
5:15 yeah you're I remember your wife Bindu
5:19 saying at one point that and I forget
5:24 this sometimes that this is someone's
5:27 biggest financial transaction that's a
5:31 real life
5:32 yeah that's almost like your trademark
5:35 didn't do the primary attire
5:37 specialist and when she's
5:40 interviewed she always tells buyers that
5:43 hey you know I'm going to help you with
5:46 the largest transaction that you'll ever
5:48 cross possibly ever make and if I won't
5:50 buy it you sitting by it so we look at
5:53 it as if it's our own money when it
5:55 comes to health and a buyer purchase a
5:58 home or investment property and she
6:01 really seems like she puts her almost
6:04 like a mama bear around her
6:08 clients are oh yeah feeling I guess just
6:10 like myself we treat everybody like
6:12 family so we you know engage with us
6:14 you're like you know my brother my
6:16 sister my aunt my uncle my parent and we
6:19 only want the best for our client
6:22 incredible so over these many years I'm
6:26 sure you've probably have seen some some
6:29 pretty wild transactions are there any
6:32 favorites or funny stories that you
6:36 have in your history and
6:38 experience that you mind sharing
6:40 well we've seen it all
6:43 even as they say you know we focus a lot
6:46 with the senior community and a lot of
6:49 it is into the life of probate trust sale
6:53 and that we talked a lot of seniors you
6:58 know sell that or liquidate that asset
7:00 for their family estate a lot of them
7:02 move off to assisted living but you know
7:05 end result is at the end of the day you
7:09 know that is a large asset in somebody's
7:11 estate and what we like to do is
7:14 investigate you know who lives there you
7:16 know we might have you know been in a
7:18 property that's been lived in by the
7:20 same family household for maybe 40 or 50
7:23 years to a half a decade and from there
7:25 you know we'll see all kinds of
7:27 memorabilia when it comes to you know
7:29 their albums they're from you aren't
7:32 work on the walls their personal tape
7:35 you know it's kind of like encompass
7:37 somebody's whole life when you go to
7:39 list one of those homes and a lot of
7:42 times we have to be more or less the
7:44 seller because if the owners passed away
7:46 we're going to be the ones that are
7:49 going to hire the estate sale company
7:50 we're the ones are going to hire the
7:52 cleanout trash out companies we're the
7:54 ones are going to sell automobiles and
7:56 once the property is on the market you
7:59 know we're going to be actively trying
8:00 to find a new buyer for that home and
8:02 create lasting memories just like the
8:05 previous homeowner did phenomenal I'm
8:10 sure along that same theme there's are
8:13 some favorite areas of the South Bay
8:17 that you've sold homes or maybe you've I
8:19 know that you know you've represented
8:21 many a home seller and a home buyer over
8:24 the years but you've also as part of
8:28 that process have to get a handle on the
8:31 inventory so every week you're out and
8:33 about looking at what's new and and
8:36 making sure that you know what's on the
8:38 market are there any homes that you just
8:40 found really fascinating or or
8:43 intriguing throughout in your
8:45 marketplace here in the in the South Bay
8:47 yeah well what we've seen over the left
8:49 10 years a lot of new development so got
8:53 developers coming in and they're
8:55 transforming the neighbor
8:56 so you might have a beautiful you know
8:59 beach cottage on the avenues and Salford
9:01 and beach and sure enough one by one
9:04 you got the developers that are coming
9:06 in bulldozing those and building these
9:08 beautiful mini-mansions
9:11 matter of fact that we're working with a
9:12 family right now they bought the home in
9:15 2004 called Brandon the Builder 3300
9:19 square feet two-story Mediterranean and
9:22 sure enough the husband got transferred
9:25 to Austin Texas and they approached us
9:29 to get their home on the market and
9:31 listed its soul so it's in a great
9:33 school district our kids actually went
9:35 to the same elementary school where this
9:37 home reside we know that particular
9:39 neighborhood and the proximity to
9:42 Riviera Village the Esplanade and South
9:46 Redondo Beach on a cul-de-sac it makes
9:49 the perfect home for a family that's
9:52 looking to raise their kids and be in a
9:55 great school district of matter of fact
9:56 we're Redondo Beach Unified School
9:59 District was just mentioned in the top
10:02 100 schools in California as one of the
10:05 top high school oh wow cool so you
10:12 have a couple of things that I find
10:15 interesting one is you lead a referral
10:17 group of local businesses here in the
10:21 South Bay what prompted you to do that
10:25 and what goes on there well that's
10:29 a good question glad you brought that up
10:30 and you'd be actually even attended a
10:32 few of our meetings so back in 2014
10:35 almost five years ago I was looking at a
10:39 way to give back to my community and
10:41 I've been quite involved with the
10:44 networking and meeting people speaking
10:47 so what I thought was hey you know
10:49 there's a lot of networking you know
10:52 groups are there out there somebody's
10:55 you know charge you know thousands of
10:56 dollars to be a part of application fees
10:58 and I think eight there's got to be a
11:00 better solution out there for the small
11:03 business owner that wants to get
11:05 together me and mingle every week so I
11:08 founded the Redondo Beach
11:10 referral networking group back in August
11:12 of 2014 I was one of the first members
11:15 started out with a group of maybe four
11:17 people that I knew that owned small
11:18 businesses and today after almost four
11:22 and a half years of meeting every week
11:24 we have over 25 members on our roster we
11:28 get referrals on almost a weekly basis
11:31 and our whole motto is to grow our
11:35 business with the fellow small business
11:37 owner here in the South Bay so we've got
11:39 people from bass industries we've got
11:42 automotive repair we've got an interior
11:44 designer, we got a financial planner it's
11:47 almost like a little City Hall me and my
11:49 wife are the Realtors® in the group and
11:51 it's been quite a success we've
11:54 generated several new businesses
11:56 opportunities as well as we've met local
12:00 businesses that can help us with all the
12:02 different attributes of being a business
12:05 owner such as printing graphic design
12:08 signage you know in town so having a
12:12 resource for elder law with probate and
12:15 trust administration attorneys as well
12:18 as mortgage bankers when it comes to
12:21 getting them our new clients
12:23 pre-approved for financing to buy their
12:25 home and and you also make the space
12:29 available through your office although
12:32 right that's one of the
12:34 advantages a lot of people investigates
12:36 and is so successful why don't you start
12:39 your own company I said well the reality
12:41 is we already are
12:43 Company B franchise one of the biggest
12:44 names in real estate that's Remax and
12:46 the Remax model is you franchise our
12:50 name and you run your business
12:52 accordingly so we have an office base of
12:56 about 15 offices throughout the Greater
12:58 South Bay area and west side of Los
13:00 Angeles as well as Palos Verdes and we
13:03 have a large conference center that's in
13:06 my mind somewhat underutilized but the
13:08 company makes that available to us small
13:11 business owners and they make that a
13:13 part of our franchise fee so we don't
13:15 pay an extra penny and we've got plenty
13:18 of parking and we have a speaker every
13:20 week and I'm just so glad that this
13:23 group
13:23 is well-known in the small business
13:26 community at the South Bay now let me
13:30 let me get into the real estate
13:34 buying and selling for a second
13:37 when a person comes to you to buy I was
13:42 looking at your website and you have a
13:46 down payment assistant program correct
13:49 yes that's right we work with the
13:52 company called landed and what they do
13:54 is they provide matching downpayment
13:57 assistance to any local school teachers
14:00 kiss trainer or pullies they're looking
14:04 to get into homeownership we've
14:06 recently helped several people in the
14:09 Redondo Beach Unified School District
14:11 the Hawthorne uh School District get
14:14 into a homeownership and stop paying
14:16 the landlord mortgage very cool before
14:22 we wrap this up uh tell me the last
14:26 property that you sold tell me about
14:30 last property sold was a duplex it was
14:33 over here at the city of Gardena and
14:35 that is an interesting case so the
14:38 owner lived down in South Orange County
14:40 her dad built it back in 1941 it was
14:44 just a little two-bedroom one-bath house
14:46 and then 1947 Edyta
14:49 identical 2-bedroom 1-bath in the back
14:51 and he passed away maybe 15-20 years ago
14:56 and my client inherited it and I
14:59 couldn't believe it she had two tenants
15:02 that were there for maybe ten plus years
15:04 and each one more or less took over so
15:08 one of them had a large camper in the
15:10 back I think he was subletting out the
15:13 other one was a hoarder he had like 20
15:15 TVs and his little two-bedroom unit and
15:17 that we brought in our crew and you know
15:21 unfortunately she had to do an eviction
15:22 to get those two tenants out but once we
15:25 did the sheriff lockout we got our
15:26 handyman over there and we refinished
15:29 the polling
15:31 we got our landscaper to take the
15:35 trailer off our hand we rebuilt the
15:37 fence we rely on placate both the front
15:41 and back yard and sure enough we put it
15:43 on the market and got it sold in less
15:46 than a week to a well-qualified investor
15:49 all cash and filled it as is very cool
15:53 now tell me about your most recently
15:57 listed property okay well we're working
16:01 on a seller right now we're in the
16:03 spring selling season and the most
16:05 recent is a four-bedroom four and a half
16:09 bath 3300 square foot a luxury home and
16:12 it's in the 2.3 million dollar range so
16:16 that is a property that not most buyers
16:20 here in the South Bay can necessarily
16:21 afford but one thing I wanted to mention
16:24 is the South baby and proximity to Los
16:27 Angeles the Hollywood movie industry
16:32 we've got several sports professional
16:36 sporting teams now with the Los Angeles
16:38 Rams as well as the Los Angeles chargers
16:40 moving to the area so there's a lot of
16:44 high net worth individuals that may be
16:46 looking for a home of that stature so
16:49 we're going to be staging it fully
16:51 staged with the modern furniture
16:54 decorating it we've done some minor
16:57 cosmetics to make it appear as if it was
17:00 a brand new home and it's going to be
17:02 going on the market next week and we're
17:05 going to have a broker's open on
17:06 Thursday and public open houses every
17:09 weekend till we get it under contract so
17:11 if you looking for a beautiful two-story
17:13 Mediterranean and the Greater Southie
17:15 really city of Redondo Beach we would
17:19 love to hear from you and have you come
17:21 check it out you just reminded me of the
17:26 Redondo and Hermosa along the coast
17:30 they're pretty big for the the kings and
17:33 Laker Lakers and a lot of Lakers the
17:39 king Dodgers matter of fact
17:44 another notable client that we recently
17:46 worked with was Kenley Jansen the
17:50 pitcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers
17:52 helped him buy a home here in South
17:55 Torrance about two years ago and we
17:58 worked through his agent and sure enough
17:59 he was in the process of renewing his
18:01 contract with the LA Dodgers and he was
18:05 even so anxious to get into the home we
18:07 leased it out to him while he was in
18:08 escrow
18:09 very neat that's me that's a great story
18:12 well Sam I appreciate your time I would
18:15 love if you would give your website as
18:18 well as how to get a hold of you through
18:20 the old-fashioned means called the phone
18:23 sure okay well our website is known as
18:28 amazing South Bay home dot-com and you
18:32 can reach me directly on my cell and
18:35 that's three one oh eight six six seven
18:38 five nine eight we're also all over
18:42 social media we have a social media
18:44 business page on Facebook it's called
18:46 Xavier and Xavier Realtors® you can go
18:49 there as well as we have a kind of a
18:52 love branded Facebook page which matches
18:55 our data identity on the internet that's
18:57 called amazing South Bay home very neat
19:01 Sam I appreciate your time and I really
19:05 suggest people get in touch with you
19:07 when they have any real estate
19:08 questions or needs yeah yeah we welcome
19:12 you to come to one of our many offices
19:14 we were based here in Revere village on
19:17 Lane Avenue and Sal for John Doe beach
19:19 we also have a Torrance office here on
19:22 Hawthorne Boulevard and South torrent
19:24 but wherever you'd like to meet we're
19:26 always open to coming to your place it's
19:29 a little bit more convenient for you
19:32 very good champ I appreciate your time
19:35 thank you very much you're welcome Tim
19:39 it's be
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South Bay Homes: Sam Xavier the Interview

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